Ganhar Dinheiro Net

Aprenda Como Ganhar Dinheiro Online com Os Melhores!

Nós somos um Grupo especialistas em ganhar dinheiro na internet, trabalhamos com isto desde 2011. Elaboramos um método comprovado que permite que até mesmo quem não entende nada de internet ganhe dinheiro em poucos Meses. Cadastre seu email abaixo agora e saiba mais! Você poderá melhorar muito sua vida.


Company Offers You...
Six Ways To Earn


  • ZAP Commissions: Earn 20% on all personally referred customers retail bid pack purchases on Zeekler.com
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  • The Retail Profit Pool: As a Premium, Qualified Affiliate* who places and submits one FREE AD every day, you can earn daily awards through the ZeekRewards profit-share program. PLUS earn up to 10% on every Zeek sample bid sold on your personally sponsored affiliates and up to 5% on your 2nd generation affiliates purchases (for those who qualify). Read more on the How It Works page.
  • Retail Subscription Profits: Earn a 20% monthly retail profit from all personal retail sales on personally sponsored affiliate’s subscriptions. The 20% is based on the monthly subscription price regardless of rank qualification or placement in the matrix structure. This 20% takes precedence over other matrix commissions as follows and NOT in addition to it.
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  • The Matrix: Sponsor just TWO Preferred Customers (a Silver, Gold or Diamond who has purchased at least 10 Zeek sample Bids out-of-pocket) and earn up to $3.50/month on every paid subscriber in your personal 2x5 Forced-fill matrix...and qualify to earn matching bonuses to unlimited depth...residually (see qualification details below)!


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Hello Friend (a), Fantastic

Minimum Investment: 1 ACTION = $ 5 DOLLARS

2% daily for all active actions during 100dias.
[eg.: 20 shares = $ 100, $ 100 x 2% / day = x 2/day 100dias = $ $ 200, which are CAPITAL DIVIDENDS +]

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This matrix is a FORCED MATRIX with forced spill of up to 8 levels uplines

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UltraXProject only opened for pre-launch.

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